@ Ignite Church Planting
January 2025 Prayer Letter
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Dear Ignite Prayer and Fasting Partners,
I want to wish you a Happy New Year as we enter 2025 together. Tomorrow, we begin our 8th year of 30 Days of Prayer and I am looking forward to building a strong foundation for 2025 as we pray. To begin, I want to invite you to participate with us during these 30 days. We will be praying for workers for the abundant harvest field of Chicagoland, for the city of Chicago, for the different people groups in our region and we will hear prayer stories of God at work. The dial-in number for this event is: (518) 992-1040 and the meeting ID code is: 612594#. We will be praying together each morning, January 2 – 31 at 8 am. Please consider joining this important activity.
I want to thank you for being a vital part of Ignite’s ministry of starting churches in Chicagoland and beyond. Because of your prayer partnership, in 2024, 4 churches were started in our region, at least 4 have been started in Pakistan through the ministry of Kheimeh Molaghat and well over 100 people have been baptized into Jesus through our new churches. I was asked by a friend from another church planting organization what has given Ignite the strength we exhibit, and I answered very simply: we practice prayer. This simple truth is one that I’d like to see embedded in more of our churches (both those we start and our partners) in 2025.
I am attaching our 2025 Prayer Mountains to this letter. These will be the things that I would like you to begin praying for in January. These mountains are things we are asking the Father to move ahead of us as we continue to bring the hope of Jesus to Chicagoland and beyond, one church at a time.
We have a big year planned for our prayer emphasis. In 2025, we will have opportunities to join in some prayer experiences in the region (we will be having 3 times to do some prayer mapping in Chicago). We will offer opportunities for area churches to host prayer events and coming in March, we will be hosting 3 prayer breakfasts the week of March 10. There will be other times when we will be praying for upcoming church plants (one way we prepare the ground for a church launch is by praying “in the field” where the church will start) and we will invite you to participate. We will always be praying for eyes that are open for surprises the Father wants us to be ready for.
I am looking forward to the year ahead and I want to thank you for choosing to be a part of our prayer team. God has richly blessed Ignite’s ministry of church planting and I know that there are even greater things ahead.
Have a wonderful January, Lance
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